
Happy Birthday Soledad O'Brien

Today is the birthday of Soledad O'Brien.

Soledad was born on September 19, 1966 in Saint James, Long Island, New York.

She was christened Maria de la Soledad Teresa O'Brien. From Spanish, her first name would translate as, "The Blessed Virgin Mary of Solitude." Her first name follows a Spanish tradition of naming a child for Our Lady of Solitude.

Soledad's mom, Estella, is Afro-Cuban and worked as a French and English teacher. Her father, Edward, is from Australia of Irish descent, and for many years was a mechanical engineering professor.

After graduating Smithville High School (NY), she attended Harvard University as did all of her five siblings.

Soledad married Brad Raymond, an investment banker, in 1995. They have four children - Sofia Elizabeth (2000), Cecilia (2002) and the twins, Charlie and Jackson (2004).

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