
O'Brien at Duke University

Soledad O’Brien, CNN anchor and lead reporter for the Black in America series, will speak as part of the Duke University Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration at the Bryan Center.

The event will be held January 22 at 7 pm and admission is free.


Anonymous said...

I'm not happy about this news story.

January 18, 2009

"CNN correspondent Soledad O'Brien wants this dog gone.

The newswoman and other members of a Chelsea co-op board are trying to evict a beloved family pet from a swanky loft building because they say the dog is smelly and slobbers."


What is she doing getting involved in apartment house politics? And didn't I read she was moving anyway?

Anonymous said...

Agree, I'm not happy about this story either... I would love to see a rebuttal by her... If not, please an explanation how one can accept humanitarian awards, yet be so, if the article is accurate, cruel to a family pet, as to get them evicted for drool and gas? That is outrageous, and not very humanitarian.

Anonymous said...

Now how exactly did this trivial DOG STORY become relevant to the Duke University piece in question here?

Tunc Akin said...

Yes, let's stick to the topic PLEASE.