
Soledad at the Heart Truth Charity Red Dress Fashion Show

Soledad O'Brien on the runway for the Heart Truth charity fashion show in 2013.

The Heart Truth is a campaign meant to raise awareness of the risk of heart disease in women. The campaign is sponsored in the United States by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, an organization of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. A similar campaign is promoted in Canada by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. It focuses mainly on educating women aged forty to sixty, as that is the time when the risk of heart disease begins to increase.

The logo of the campaign is a red dress. It came into being as a way to attract attention to the Heart Truth, and eliminate perceptions that heart disease is an issue only for men. The dress reminds women to focus on their "outerselves", as well as their "innerselves", especially heart health. The campaign has also promoted a National Wear Red Day, meant to take place on the first Friday of February, and a charity celebrity fashion show.

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